Monday, February 27, 2017

Picture of the Day

More Impressive?

If you are a basketball fan you know exactly what this is and why this picture is pivotal. Both players, in their respected times, are doing something the game had/has never seen before. On the left, you have a hall of famer by the name of Oscar Robertson. On the right lies a future hall of famer in Russell Westbrook. Russell is on target to average a triple double for an entire season. He’s averaging 31 points a game, 10 rebounds a game, and 10 assist a game for the 2016-2017 season.

Oscar Robertson nearly averaged a triple double for his career scoring 31 points a game, with 10 rebounds an 11 assist. It’s important to understand some of the difference between two players. It’s important to note that Oscar was a towering six foot eight, while Russell is, still a lot of height for a point guard, six foot four. While it is impressive to maintain a high level of play it takes to complete triple doubles night in and night, I think Russell Westbrook’s is a little more notable. I say that because in this day and time, forwards and centers are bigger and stronger than they have ever been. To be able to go amongst the trees (bigs) and rebound is unheard of.

With the pick and roll offense ran in the NBA now, I think it’s easier for Russell to get assist because of the spacing. Russell and Oscar both average 31 points so you can’t say whether one is more impressive in that aspect. In my opinion, I think both of their triple-double seasons are equally impressive. I say that because back in the 60s and 70s, there were true bigs. When I say true bigs, I mean players that stayed in the paint. Nowadays, you have stretch centers shooting threes and handling the ball. They are the same height so that's more of a reason to conclude in a tie. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

About my love for the NBA

Ever since a kid, I was always mesmerized by the athleticism and level of focus NBA players possessed. I've been a loyal fan to my favorite player, Dwyane Wade, since 2005 as he has never failed to amaze. My favorite team growing up was the Boston Celtics. The history behind the organization is what captured me as a fan.

The NBA known to stand for "No Boys Allowed." That slogan is to represent the toughness and hard work ethic it takes each players to have for success. I used to watch their off-season workouts and thought it was so amazing to see the effort that they put in on a daily bases to achieve their goals. I always aspired to be an NBA player so at a young age, the specials that would come on television showing fans the work that they put in motivated me. I used to that motivation in my adolescent days to earn myself a full scholarship to player college basketball. Now that I have played my last collegiate basketball game, I've decided to continue my love of the game through blogging. The NBA is where amazing happens, so finding a topics to talk about won't be difficult.

Now that I am twenty three years of age, I have been able to see the drastic transition the NBA has made with the style of play. In 2007 a new player by the name of Kevin Durant touched the surface as a 7 foot ball player that can shoot and dribble. This kind of play had never been seen before at the level of which Durant was doing it. He expanded the game where nowadays, we don't see true centers, just stretched forwards. With the game evolving, it has now revolved around the superstars and how they want to play the game. I love the fast style of play and the way players make certain shots or moves look effortless.

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